26- Massage therapy can be very useful in treating neck and back pain.

27- He started studying General Linguistics, and then branched out into Speech therapy.

28- Aroma therapy is a technique which uses different scents to stimulate people in different ways.

29- French actor Gérard Dépardieu was so wild as a youth that he was encouraged to enter dramatics as therapy.

30- My sister is undergoing therapy to help her overcome her fear of the dark.

31- My mother's chemotherapy treatments had reduced her to a human skeleton, weighing only about 90 pounds.

32- Discussion question: How do you feel about alternative therapies, such as massage, aroma therapy, xi qong, shiatsu, etc.

33- ? therebyIt has been shown repeatedly that massage therapy has a definite value in the treatment of lower back pain.

34- Jerome's group therapy sessions really helped him learn to speak about his problems.

35- Jenna is having hormone therapy in order to help reduce the effects of menopause.

36- Thorough, early assessment of a child with behavior problems is needed in order to determine the best possible course of therapy.

37- Hubert Humphrey once noted that the greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.

38- Shamans in Peru use herbs and therapy to cure people not just from physical sickness, but from fear, jealousy, tension and anger.

39- The Pacific Animal therapy Society is an organization in which people visit hospitals and seniors' homes in the area with their pets, bringing happiness to the people there.

40- She uses scented oils in her massage therapy practice because they help the clients to relax during and after the treatments.

41- The patient was given water intravenously before and after the chemotherapy treatment to flush his kidneys.

42- During his chemotherapy treatments, he took a new medication made from marijuana in order to control his nausea.

43- Dominique has had to resort to buying marijuana illegally to deal with the nausea caused by her chemotherapy treatments.

44- In Florida, dolphin therapy involves having emotionally-abused patients swim with live dolphins in order to help these people overcome depression and other illnesses.

45- Allgire underwent physical therapy through August 2013 and is still undergoing medical treatment.

46- Contemporary family therapy in the United States.

47- Before the chemotherapy started, all the participants had about the same amount of cognitive complaints.

48- Bristol said Opdivo was also designated by the FDA as a breakthrough"" melanoma therapy."

49- Buck said the doctor said he'd be dead in three months without chemotherapy.

50- Creating a wise society boils down to brain therapy.

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