26- 'Toronto is facing serious challenges," said Soknacki, who added he was focusing on openness and accountability.

27- A new era of statistical accountability has been introduced to a trade governed largely by anecdote and lore."

28- accountability data will likely follow later this school year.

29- accountability is vital to prevent another Gaza war, as well as to bring about resolution of the wider conflict.

30- Adding I-122 makes zero sense and it has zero accountability or track record, either, for taking money out of elections.

31- After a change of policy last year, accountability was transferred to the club.

32- Among his chief concerns: Sandy recovery, fiscal accountability, policy transparency, education and the state pension.

33- Any promises that VA officials make about accountability in the future need to be taken with a grain of salt."

34- Apex Paramedics is an innovative company founded on three guiding principles: honesty, accountability, and service.

35- As a result, the push for teacher accountability is unnecessary.

36- As an organization, we are committed to a culture of team-first accountability and respect for one another.

37- But some experts and officers believe TV crews increase accountability.

38- But the accountability board headed by Bayh and Bauer rejected nearly every finding by the inspector general.

39- Certainly, accountability was this year's buzzword.

40- The auditor's report underlines the need for more accountability in the awarding of government contracts.

41- Desjardins's hope for accountability in the management of body and organ donations prompted him to go public to CBC.

42- Don't miss another accountability investigation: Sign up for the Center for Public Integrity's Watchdog email.

43- Duncan said any compromise measure needs to include more accountability, especially for the lowest-performing schools.

44- Engage with accountability Lab on Twitter at @accountlab.

45- Experts say justice and accountability are crucial if the hatred is not to be transmitted to future generations.

46- Families and individuals must be more aware of the issue of accountability and patient rights."

47- First Nations, like all Canadians, deserve transparency and accountability from their elected leaders.

48- Following the celebrity formulas gives her structure and accountability, leading to "enthusiasm, drive and purpose."

49- Frankly, the thing we haven't seen is a lot of government accountability.

50- Furthermore, performance metrics help drive accountability when paired with effective leadership as taught here.

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