26- encryption is meant to scramble messages and other data so it can only be read by the sender and receiver.

27- encryption isn't just a technical feature.

28- Even obfuscation with encryption can have flaws.

29- Every transaction is encrypted and logged in a computer network known as a block chain.

30- Facebook Twitter Pinterest PKWARE provides Smart encryption to protect data any way businesses use, share and store it.

31- File level encryption encrypts only the file contents.

32- File name encryption: The program also automatically encrypts the file name of the file you're sending.

33- Finally, I think it would be quite good if the police and the intelligence agencies also saw the benefits of encryption.

34- Google and other Internet services rely on a form of encryption known as Transport Layer Security, or TLS.

35- Google and Yahoo are also working on a web-mail encryption project called End-to-End.

36- He believes the data might be accessible even if it's encrypted.

37- He said he did not know if the stolen passwords had been encrypted.

38- He would then rip the leaked CDs to the MP3 format and, using encrypted channels, send them to Kali's home computer.

39- Heartbleed affected any system running OpenSSL, a common Web encryption technology.

40- Honey encryption turns this method against the hackers in a sort of cryptographic jujitsu.

41- However, the company concluded that none of the spying "could have resulted in a massive theft of SIM encryption keys."

42- I am kind of into Wickr, which sends encrypted messages.

43- I think as an encryption technology it's great.

44- In addition, the FTC said Snapchat's app stored video snaps that were not encrypted on the recipient's device.

45- In asymmetric key encryption, the receiver has a public key that is visible to anyone who wants to send a message.

46- In March, European Police Office director Rob Wainwright said encryption is the biggest problem in counter-terrorism.

47- In particular, he rails against any attempt to try to crack the encryption that protects many personal messages.

48- In Windows 10 Home, the encryption option will be grayed out, and you'll need a third-party tool like WinRAR or WinZip.

49- It would be like the ultimate code breaker, the Enigma machine on crack and able to solve every encryption in existence.

50- It's only a slight ranking signal now, but in time, SSL encryption will be vital for most sites.

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